Constellation Men’s Ensemble (CME) is a Chicago-based vocal group dedicated to creating distinct performances in unique spaces, empowering the next generation of singers through educational engagement, and expanding the repertoire for men’s vocal music by commissioning new works from both emerging and established composers.
Constellation Men’s Ensemble’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion is inseparable from its dedication to musical excellence achieved through affirmation of musicians and an audience of diverse gender, racial, sexual orientation, nationality, and ability differences. Constellation Men’s Ensemble supports personal and musical growth of its musicians through active recruitment of diverse artists who, by their presence and performance of a breadth of composers and styles of music, seek to dismantle systems of inequality in the arts.
7330 N Honore St. #1, Chicago, IL 60626, EIN 47-3196621 | © 2023 Constellation Men's Ensemble